
sky through my bedroom
"O meu mundo não é como o dos outros, quero demais, exijo demais, há em mim uma sede de infinito, 
uma angústia constante que eu nem mesma compreendo, pois estou longe de ser uma pessimista; sou antes uma
exaltada, com uma alma intensa, violenta, atormentada, uma alma que se não sente bem onde está, que tem saudades... sei lá de quê!"
Florbela espanca


I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.


Sense and sensibility

A continuance in a place where everything reminded her of former delight, was exactly what suited her mind. In seasons of cheerfulness, no temper could be more cheerful than hers, or possess, in a greater degree, that sanguine expectation of happiness which is happiness itself. But in sorrow she must be equally carried away by her fancy, and as far beyond consolation as in pleasure she was beyond alloy.



What goes around comes around. Hope your happy, don’t complain to me.


Wanting to believe the best about the people doesn't make it true.


"Few bands in rock history have had a more immediate and tangible impact on their contemporary pop musical landscape than Nirvana did in the early Nineties."